2 January 2015
I got both chines up on the forms last week. I am writing this a good week after the work was done, so the details are long gone. The doug fir bent without any issues what so ever. The scarfed regions have a nice curve and (luckily) are
not coincident with the form. The length was fine. I had to move the blocks holding the chines on the stem end forms. The blocks got in the way where the bend was more severe. I put them on the stern facing side of the forms. I wished I had spent more time in making the blocks uniform rather than cutting up a few pieces of scrap lying around. I had to figure out the ideal screw length for each block. I predrilled each block so that the temporary screw emerged at the bottom of the chine.
A view of the curve of port chine. The clamps are using blocks on the stem facing side of the forms. I then screwed through the blocks and into the chine being careful not to blow out through n

I put a temporary screw in through the transom. I hate putting holes in the transom.....